Extract the probability vector from a tensor of probability. For example, if there are only 2 categorical variables (Y1, Y2) with nlevels(Y1)=2, nlevels(Y2)=3, then the tensor is a matrix of probability. tensor[i,j] is the probability of Y1=i, Y2=j. If obs=(NA,2), then prob_vector_cat returns the probability vector of Y1 when Y2=2 and the onehot probability vector of Y2=2. If obs=(NA,NA), then prob_vector_cat returns the marginal probability vector of Y1 and that of Y2=2.

prob_vector_cat(obs, tensor, dict_name_cat)



One observation of all categorical variables.


A tensor (multidimensional array) of probability, with dimension nlevels(Y1) x nlevels(Y2) x...x nlevels(Yk) if there are k categorical columns.


A dictionary of categorical variable names and their corresponding onehot name. For example, Y7: Y7_1, Y7_2,....


Probability vector for all categorical columns.