generate_miss_ls function generates a list of incomplete dataframes. Missing values are generated in the given complete dataframe with the all mechanisms in generate_miss function and the chosen proportion of missingness.

generate_miss_ls(df, miss_perc)



Complete dataframe.


Desired percentage of missing values. Note that all the mechanisms could only approach this proportion. The real proportion of missingness will be returned with the incomplete dataframe. When the number of columns is small, some mechanisms could be incompatible with large missing percentage.


mcar Incomplete dataframe object with MCAR mechanism. The detailed description could be found in generate_missdocumentation. Each object contains three attributes: X.incomp, R.mask, and real_miss_percmar1 Incomplete dataframe object with MAR1 mechanism. mar2 Incomplete dataframe object with MAR2 mechanism. mar3 Incomplete dataframe object with MAR3 mechanism. mnar1 Incomplete dataframe object with MNAR1 mechanism. mnar2 Incomplete dataframe object with MNAR2 mechanism.